Naijaloan is a lending platform with the aim of helping people to making money online. The review about the website is what I’ll be discussing in this post to let you know if the platform is legit or scam just like many other.

Recently, some people asked me if naijaloan is a legit website or scam. So, I decided to do a quick research about the website to know if it’s real or worth joining.

Whatever it is you would want to know about naijaloan, this post has got you covered. It’s an honest naijaloan review.

About Naijaloan

Naijaloan is a lending platform with the aim of helping people to make money online in Nigeria. The website was created on the 21st of March 2020 and since then they’ve been operating as a member to member lending platform.

Member to Member lending means whenever you are giving a loan, you are giving it directly to a member on the platform. And, whenever you are requesting for a loan, another member on the platform will give you the loan directly. Therefore, naijaloan  are the middle-man that connects everyone. That is to say, they are not the one giving you the loan, neither the one borrowing from you.

But is the platform legit? Find out in this NaijaLoan review.

Is Naijaloan Legit?

Considering the fact that there are more of scam websites than legit one in this country, most people will want to know if naijaloan is a legit website before joining.

But it’s not easy to know if it’s real if you’ve not tested the program. As a result, I’ve tested the platform and I’ve confirmed that they are paying.

Now, you might be thinking naijaloan is legit. Well, some things are just too good to be true. Make sure you read what you should know below before you consider joining them.

What You Should Know About the Website (Naijaloan Review)

The way naijaloan works seems like a Ponzi scheme. For instance, you need only #1000 to earn up to #120000. This seems too good to be true. You should know that the earning system can’t continue like that without crashing anytime soon.

Though, you can benefit from naijaloan if you join early. But it won’t last forever, it will surely crash soon. So, you should join now and get your share before it’s too late.

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How Does Naijaloan Works?

There are six levels on naijaloan, and anyone interested can only start with the first level with #1000. Members of this platform are lenders and borrowers.

Naijaloan is just like a middle-man that connects each member on the platform to each other. In other words, it means that members on the platform are lenders and borrowers.

Whenever you give a loan, you are also borrowing from the platform. So let’s say you give a loan of #5,000 (on level 2), you will get #10,000 back (the #5,000 you gave + #5,000 interest). But at the same time, it means not only are you giving a loan of #5,000 on naijaloan platform, you are also borrowing #10,000.

See how it works

Level 1

This is the default level for all members on naijaloan platform. You’ll have to pay #1000 and get #5000 within one day which you can withdraw or use to upgrade to level 2.

Level 2

You’ll have to a pay #5000 to upgrade to level 2 and get #10000 in 2 days which you can withdraw or use to upgrade to level 3.

Level 3

To upgrade to level 3, you’ll have to pay #10000 and get #20000 within 4 days which you can withdraw or use to upgrade to level 4.

Level 4

On this level, you’ll have to pay #20000 and get #40000 within 6 days which you can withdraw or use to upgrade to level 5.

Level 5

To upgrade to level 5, you’ll have to pay #40000 and get #80000 within 10 days which you can withdraw or upgrade to level 6.

Level 6

This is the highest level. You’ll have to pay #80000 to upgrade to this level. The platform will give you #120000 within 10 days. Since this is the highest level, you can only withdraw all and restart from level 1.

That’s how it works.

How to Register

To register and become a member, you’ll have to pay #1000. Your default level will be level 1. Follow the steps below to register.

Firstly, visit naijaloan Registration page here and click on “Get Started” as seen in the image below.

naijaloan homepage

Then, fill in the required details correctly and click on “Register”.

naijaloan registration
After that, you’ll be paired with someone. The person is who you’ll pay #1000. This usually take few minutes.

Question most people ask

Here are the question people ask most about the program.

Is Naijaloan legit?

Yes, the website is legit, they are paying currently. Although, The website can’t be trusted.

What happens if a member refuses to refund a loan?

If this happens, naijaloan will be responsible. That is to say, they will have to direct another member to refund it.

I will advice others to be careful with this website. Internet scammers are everywhere and they have upgraded. Most of them can now design websites. You don’t need any format to scam people if you are a creative scammer. Member to member donation platforms doesn’t always work.


I won’t recommend you join this platform because they can’t be trusted. The website’s earning system is just like a ponzi scheme. So, you should only join the program if you can bear the risk behind it.

Hope you found this naijaloan review helpful.

If you need to ask a question, make use of the comment box below.


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This Post Has 71 Comments


    Your Comment Here…
    Do I need referrals

  2. David

    I have joined, and I’ve even gotten my 5k but now I can’t withdraw even though I have 2 referrals I just can’t withdraw please help me out!!

    1. Victor Odediran

      According to the platform, you can withdraw 5K only if you’ve referred 5 people. However, you need referrals only on level 1

      1. Uduma

        I paid 1000 naira for level 1 and that was to Ben Njoku but after the payment. I checked my account only to see level 0 and my balance was 0.00 I called Ben if he confirmed me he said yes he but I wasn’t seeing any proof of confirmation Pls have I been scammed?

        1. Victor Odediran

          You’ll have to confirm it from your end too.
          Just click on “I have paid”

    2. Mini

      Please how did you get them to pay u the 5k cause I honestly don’t know how I’m meant to receive my 5k

  3. Anonymous

    Beware of Naijaloan dot com. It is definitely a scammer. I signed up on with N1000 before I came here to write so what I want to say today is not guess work. I have four screenshots to prove what am saying

    The number one problem I have with their website is their high levels of deceit (and lies). Is either the person that operates this site is a very clever genius who is dishonest or he is an illiterate who is honest. His communicarion skills are very poor:

    Level 1
    Pay N1,000
    Get N5,000 (1 day)
    Withdraw or upgrade to level 2

    Level 2
    Pay N5,000
    Get N10,000 (2 days)
    Withdraw or upgrade to level 3
    Level 3
    Pay N10,000
    Get N20,000 (4 days)
    Withdraw or upgrade to level 4
    Level 4
    Pay N20,000
    Get N40,000 (6 days)
    Withdraw or upgrade to level 5
    Level 5
    Pay N40,000
    Get N80,000 (8 days)
    Withdraw or upgrade to level 6
    Level 6
    Pay N80,000
    Get N120,000 (10 days)
    Withdraw all and restart from level 1

    When you want to upgrade to level 1 there is an orange button. Under the button you will find the following: “one referal needed for withdraw”. Then above they wrote: “give N1000 loan and receive N5000 in one day”

    But after you have pay your upline you will see a withdraw button under transactions. At the top left of your account which was N0.00 before you can now see N5000 is reflecting there (in your main balance and not affiliate balance). So when you click withdraw button you are redirected to a page that says some jargon. That you must refer 5 persons (five persons) before you can withdraw

    Uplines themselves are so heartless and evil. Because they are so desperate for your money they can say (or do anything). My upline didn’t specify the number of downlines I would bring after I called him/her to ask. Even after I told him/her that I was skeptical. How was I to know it was five then? Or I would have laid emphasis on the number when asking

    Another thing that pains me is that all payments to uplines are made outside their website. That is you transfer money directly with your phone and not through interswitch or the likes. Why then do they keep making it look like everything is online.They even said you will earn 15% commision on every referral (but that referral balance is different from actual balance)

    Again if you look at their platform statistics you will just know thieir website can never function normally. Almost every body is on level 1 or level 0. After going through the platform statistics, I was no longer surprised why all the latest payments updates were N1000.

    Platform Statistics:
    Awaiting: 4,420 members,
    Level 1: 2,557 members,
    Level 2: 9 members,
    Level 3: 2 members,
    Level 4: 0 members,
    Level 5: 0 members,
    Level 6: 0 members

    I will advice others to be careful with this website. Internet scammers are everywhere and they have upgraded. Most of them can now design websites. You don’t need any format to scam people if you are a creative scammer. Member to member donation platforms doesn’t always work

    1. Otoos

      Someone is tell me to pay 2k after activating my acct with 1k. So that I will get my alert soon. Is this true ?

      Pls advice me on this anyone

      1. Victor Odediran

        @Otoos, you should not pay anyone after you’ve activated your account. Just request for your downline to withdraw your 5k.

  4. Asererem

    Do the 5persons you refer in level one need to pay the normal level one 1000, before the person can cash out

    1. Moses

      How can I automatically blocked this platform without my name showing on the site,, for the the information and comments I have read so far ,,, could not give me courage to make any payment to any person in/outside this platform,,,, even their way of making transaction is very annoying and stupid,, so tell me How can I get rid of this?

  5. King

    Do the 5 people I have to refer have to activate their account by paying the 1k before I can withdraw? Or they only have to create an account

    1. Gabriel

      The 5 people, needs to activate thier account by paying 1k, if you go to the affiliate, you’ll see your referer, there you will know if they are active or inactive, only when they pay 1k they will be active and only active referer can give you 1 point to enable you withdraw….if all the 5 referer paid their 1k as you did, then you’ll have 5active downline, which means you can withdraw you 5k…..that’s all

  6. King

    Answer my reply na

    1. Ikenna

      Yep they have to activate their account first

      1. Anonymous

        Your upline did not withdraw directly from the website but was paired with a downline i.e with you. Why should you withdraw now it is your turn? You meant to say they paired you with a downline who sent N1000 to you today? Is like nobody knows what that word withdraw means anymore

      2. Vitalis Chioma

        Please I have 2 downlines But still have not received any money or even reflect on my page why?

  7. Tony

    Since almost all the payment is made offline as reviewed here, how can I upgrade to level 2. That’s how will the system know that I have upgraded since I’ll have to donate to my upline offline

  8. Chisom

    Since I need referrals in level one, what if I use the money earned to move to level 2, will I still need referrals to withdraw the money?

  9. Micheal

    Pls How is Naijaloan making profit if they only stand as middle man

    1. Sulaimon

      My account was suspended without any reason when am about to withdraw from level 2 and proceed to level 3

      1. Undefeated

        Yes,because u didn’t pay on time,

      2. Emmanuel

        Please are you being paid in level two and how many days does it takes

        1. HDU9ja

          Wahala dey oh! They are moving to a new site and you will have to start afresh to get your pending money. Login for more details.

          1. Chukwuebuka

            I try made a request to withdraw from level 1 since 3days now is still unpaid what is going on here pls

  10. anonymous

    I am unable to sign in ,please help me out.

    1. Onah peter chime

      Pls i clicked on withdraw since 23rd of June but till now its still showing Unpaired-pending.Can someone tell me why

  11. Alimi

    Your Comment Here…please sir,what are the condition to move to level 3. i want to know if it has to do with my downline as in level one.

  12. Michael

    What if I can’t find anyone to refer will they still pay me the 5k or is it a must for me to refer

  13. Aliyara

    Something is confusing here
    Can you share more light to me pertaining the referral?
    In the website, they said that you will refer only one person before you can withdraw but here am seeing until you refer 5 persons

    1. Victor Odediran

      You’ll have to refer 5 people to withdraw 5K. 1k per referral.

  14. shalom

    Hello. The site is now showing suspended as if their host has suspended it. I’m really scared

  15. HDU9ja

    Try to visit the website. It seems the journey is over. “This account has been suspended.”

  16. OBIOMA Orakwe

    Please my account has been suspended and I believe is lack of being active as a member…. please how do I reactivate my account to start working again.?

  17. isaac

    And when you get to the last level they’ll tell you to bring 120 referral before u can withdraw ur 120k Awon alayebaje Scammer Bastard greedy hungry fools … y’all registering you’d better use your common sense and use your 1k to do something better ! NAIJALOAN IS A SCAM!!! PONZI SCHEME NI !!!

  18. DoTunes

    Even if you collect the money, please will you return it, because I don’t know why they will just give you money like that

  19. Oluwseun Elizabeth

    I have refer 1 person and the person has made payment but he’s not displaying on my affiliate status.


      Thats not a scam.. you should have read the instructions carefully.. about the naijaloan .


      It will surely reflect recheck after some minutes or probably maybe an hour

  20. Nnenna

    I just registered last week…I was told that if I refer one person that I will get paid now I refferd one person I was only paid 1k out of my 5k now they are saying that I need to refer extra 4 people for a my money to be paid i.e when ever I refer 1 person I’ll be paid 1k this just pure scam Ponzi scheme I have just wasted my resources there

    1. Undefeated

      U didn’t,bt u were given Ur 1k back


    Please we are having pending pairing issue for now help us resolve it.. help us rectify it..

    1. Elizabeth

      I also have the same problem at level 2

    2. Temmy

      Am also having pending issues since on Monday and the chats forum is not showin

  22. DJ Bushra

    Hello for people saying it’s scam …. It’s clearly lack of understanding that is causing all the fuss….

    For you withdraw the first 5k which can be done only 1k at a time …. U can equally pay your friends or your downlines 1k each to open which you’ll also be able to withdraw each at a time win win no gain no lose .
    So upgrade to level 2 with ur 5k then no referral and withdraw 10k in 2 days ….

    So simple … easy way to make money….

    Even doctors take risk …

    Risk is one surely task to perform if u want to be rich .. all u re risking is 5k so haven’t upost more than that before …

    Your choice Sha 💪

  23. Elizabeth

    I upgraded to level 2 on 4th of may and since then its jxt shows pending and unpaired whereas withdrawal for level 2 z jxt 2 day. Pls i hope there z no problem

    1. HDU9ja

      my dear I have the same problem oh! Let us continue to pray.

    2. Joe

      There’s a very big problem o. The site is gradually crashing.

  24. Dayo

    Hello, Good morning I am Hadi with code number 135805. I have been withdraw since on Monday 4th May since then I didn’t see any paired to pay, I try the second one on 5th May since then Still pending now the two withdrawals now pending.

  25. Emmanuel

    I am having two unpaired transactions in one account ooo hope there is no problem bayi

  26. Temilade

    Please oo i upgraded to level 2 and since after two days now still on pending Naija loan what’s wrong??

  27. Temilade

    Now they are Notifying me that they will be moving to Ethereum Block chain on Monday 11th of may what those that means please

  28. Salihu

    Am in level two and they ave refused to paid me the 10k. I requsted since on 4th and uptill now is still pending. Just hope everything is alright

    1. Michael

      I ve refer one person and they’r saying 0unactivated what does that mean

      1. Victor Odediran

        The account of the person you’ve referred is not yet activated.

  29. Joe

    I think the system is about to crash. I’ve been stucked on level 3 since may 4 and I’ve not gotten paired ever since. I think the system is gonna crash anytime soon. It’s such a pity that I didn’t even stay up to a month and half. It would have made more sense but I think the owners of the site wants to get greedy with it. An information just came on the website that naijaloan is moving to etherum as from 11th of may and you’ll need to deposit etherum worth 3k to their wallet. Guys! Wake up. They want to scam us real big. Imagine, we started with cash donation and now, they want to forcefully move all payment to crypto currency even when the members didn’t request for it. The chat forum isn’t available anymore….. I will advice you guys to stop registering people. Naijaloan is crashing already

    1. Salihu

      God bless u bro! Am also a member and i got stuck in level 2 uptill now i havent been able to witdraw my money. i requested for it and it was on pending since on4th of may. It’s a scam guyz wake up

  30. Happylife

    Who is the founder of naijaloan website? Were are dey located

  31. Biliaminu Taofeek Tope

    Pls am have an issue now, d person I sent money to said have excuse the time, pls I want u to rectify d issue for me, pls

  32. Biliaminu Taofeek Tope

    Am Owolabi by name pls am having issue with sending my money d person I sent to said have Passover time I supposed to send it, pls I want u to assist me over it pls

    1. Victor Odediran

      If the time is up and you’ve transferred the money already, just ask the person to transfer the money back to you and hope h/she will. The person can then request for another downline.

      1. Selah

        Hello pls I have been stuck on level 1 for almost a week now …..I referred five people
        Then it got to the point where they were suppose to pair me with
        And they are not giving back the money . I will call most of them then d next thing when I login they just click I cannot pay
        Almost 5 times now I havnt been able to withdraw any thing
        Pls help oooo…is it scam or wat
        Coz it beta not be

  33. Olamide toke

    We all know how the owner of MMM died o ….it wouldn’t make a difference if it happens again ..
    Beta not be scam .especially during this period of time that things are hard
    Else somebody out there playing this prank or joke will get lost in it o …..

  34. Confidence

    Naija loan is a big scam. I register with 1k I never see my money….. Thunder will kill them 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  35. Chikwado joshua

    If u transfer 1k to a person in level 1n if u have to withdraw to upgrade to level 2 den u bring 5referals at ur downline n dey are active b4 u can withdraw ur 5k datmeans in level 2 u will bring 10referals to withdraw ur 10k is dat right….

    1. Victor Odediran

      You only need referrals in level 1. Once you’re in level 2, you won’t need referral to withdraw your 10k.

  36. Joseph

    Plz I don’t really know what is happening, I want to withdraw money but it was showing me unpaired and pending since on 21 of may, plz help out.

  37. Taofeek

    Naijaloan is a website that is full of scam pls don’t invest your money in it, because u will later lament after d successful registration. Pls admin, help us to make this fraudulent website to be promulgated to people that it is totally is scam.

  38. Tyb

    Naijaloan ain’t scam jorr it just for u to get ur referrals that activate dia account then boom u gonna get ur 5k very simple.
    I registered with Naijaloan on 26th of May and refered people that have activated their account, yesterday that was 28th may I withdraw my 5k🤑🤑 tho ain’t sure of continuing

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