How to pass jamb exam 2020 is one of the questions most jambites will want to ask. And yes, it is the duty of every student who wants to take part in the utme 2020 to find information about the steps to take in order to prepare and pass jamb 2020.

About 75% of student that took part in the previous jamb exam scored below 50%. Likewise, statistics has shown that most of the students that writes jamb yearly scored below average.

However, while most of the students fail jamb exam, some student scores more than 300. In fact, one of the highest score for 2019 utme was 350.

For everyone, exam has only two outcome, it’s either success or failure. Most of the students that pass jamb are not just lucky, but their ability to prepare well for jamb exam.

Therefore, if you are one of the students that want to know how to pass jamb 2020, this article is for you. I’ve compiled some things you need to pass jamb 2020 with ease and some other things you need to know about jamb. So, make sure you read this article to where it ends.

How to Pass Jamb Exam 2020

What you need to do if you want to pass jamb 2020 exam with ease are listed below.

  1. Set a goal
  2. Study well ahead of time
  3. Don’t procrastinate
  4. Avoid distractions
  5. Don’t be lazy
  6. Attend jamb tutorial
  7. Don’t be scared
  8. Study past question
  9. Have a guardian
  10. Participate in jamb pre exam

If you really need to pass jamb, you need to adhere to the points listed above.

1. To Pass Jamb, Set a Goal

The first step toward being successful in anything you want to do is to set a goal. It is always a good idea to set a goal ahead of time.

For instance, you would have known what you want to become before choosing science, art or commercial. Likewise, if you are a student that wants to pass jamb exam 2020, you should target the grade you want to score.

If the university you wish to study requires minimum of 250 jamb score, then that should be your target. But, do you know it’s always a good idea to aim above your target, doing so will help you to focus much more and work harder. If the schools you choose require 250 jamb score, then you should target around 300 to make sure you are on a safer side.

2. Study Well Ahead of Time

It’s crucial you start reading before the exam date. Though, when to start reading may vary from person to person. All fingers are not equal they say, but at least you should know the length of each finger.

Student ability to study and assimilate varies. Some students may need to prepare for up to 2 months to pass jamb exam. However, some students can pass jamb exam if they prepare for less than a month. So, you should know the category you belong to.

Therefore, I can conclude that the right time to start preparing is best known to you. In addition, you should know that you can never get it wrong if you start preparing early. But you can actually get it wrong if you start preparing late if care isn’t taken.

3.Don’t Procrastinate

One of the reasons why most student fail is delaying the time they should study. This can happen to anyone, it’s one of most people downside even those that are not a student.

You should now delay when to study unless you have a good reason to do so.

For instance, you may want to attend jamb tutorial with your friends that also want to take part in the exam to teach each other and share ideas on how to pass jamb exam. When it’s time, you may feel like oh! I need to do something (which might not be necessary), I’ll go tomorrow.

However, you can postpone when you read, but make sure you have a good reason to do so.

4. Don’t Be Lazy

hard work never killed anyone. You should know you have to study hard without being lazy. No good thing comes easy. So, hard work and dedication is part of what you need to pass your jamb exam.

5. Avoid Distraction

If you really want to pass jamb, it is important you avoid any distraction. Anyone or anything can distract you; it can even be your friends.

For some guys, entertainments like watching football or any other sport is what distracts them. While watching football doesn’t mean you won’t pass your jamb exam, the time most students invest in it is too much that it easily distracts them.

You should always have it in your mind that being entertained is good but jamb success is more important.

6. Attend Jamb Tutorial

This is one of the things you need to be doing to pass jamb 2020 exam.

Attending jamb tutorial allow you to meet students that also want to take part in jamb exam. You’ll meet in a place where you can teach each other and the questions you are not able to solve or find answers to will be given to your tutor for help.

You can also share ideas on how to pass jamb 2020 exam. That’s to say, what you can do to pass jamb exam.

Reading with friends is a good idea as it encourages you to read. If you read alone, you’re most likely to feel bored and fed up too early when you start studying.

7. Don’t be scared

To be sincere with you, most students start getting scared each time they want to write exam. This shouldn’t be, every student need to overcome fear to pass exam.

Though, it is normal to be a bit nervous when it’s exam time. I feel like that too but not scared.

An exam is just to test you about what you’ve learnt or to check if you are qualified for the next stage of your academic career. It shouldn’t be a scary event.

If you are scared of exam, then there is no doubt you won’t be able to concentrate well. So, make sure you try to overcome fear if you really want to pass jamb.

8. Study Jamb Past Questions to pass jamb easily

Making good use of jamb past questions is one of things you shouldn’t joke with. It will help you think straight as you will know how jamb set question and the type of questions you can expect. Jamb also repeats some of the past questions. So, you should make sure you treat all the past questions. Any question they repeat will then seems like a bonus to you.

You would have seen some jamb past questions apps and its PDF format. You can use them to prepare. But, while its good to have the app or its pdf format, I’ll recommend you to buy the hard book. The book doesn’t cost much and you can purchase it at the book shop.

9. Have a Guardian

You should have a guardian that can direct your part to success. Your guardian can be anyone; it can even be your brother or your friend. You may need to ask some questions about jamb, most importantly, how to pass jamb. Whatever your question, your guardian should be able to assist you.

It’s also a good idea to meet with some people that have experience about jamb. That is to say, those that have done jamb before and are successful.

If you are lucky enough to have a brother or sister that have done jamb before, then I guess you have a guardian already. If you don’t have one, you’ve got no problem. You can always message me, I’ll try to help you.

10. Participate and Pass Jamb Pre-Exam

Jamb pre exam is just the mock exam offered by jamb to some candidates to give them insight about how jamb exam for that year works. You practice it just like the real exam. You can also check your mock exam result and see how you’ve performed.

Most of the students that took part in the previous utme mock exam found it very helpful. Some of them even claim that some of the mock questions appear in the real exam.

Thus, the mock exam is not something you should neglect. If you want to pass jamb, you should do it. It’s really good for you.

Necessary Materials to Prepare and Pass Jamb Exam 2020

There are materials you need to prepare and pass jamb exam 2020 with ease. Jamb doesn’t want its student to fail. As a result, the exam board recommends some books to its candidate. These books are the best books to read to pass jamb exam.

However, jamb books can be bulky; it can take you some months to cover up. If you want to pass jamb in two weeks, then I will advise you get some other text book.

You should get books that you can finish within some days. The books you should get must contain only relevant points about jamb exam. But, there is no doubt that jamb books are the best to prepare and pass jamb exam.

Jamb recommended books are listed and discussed below.

  • Use Jamb 2020 Syllabus

These are the materials compiled by the board. It contains information about the topic you should cover up for each subject. It is released by the board every year. You should get it to prepare and pass jamb exam as jamb sets the exam question from the syllabus.

  • Jamb subject combination

The board was aware that some of the students do not know the right subject to combine. As a result, the board gives the right subject combination on each subject. It has really helped most students as it helped them to know the right subject to combine for the course they want to study.

  • Jamb recommended Textbook (use it to prepare and pass jamb with ease)

I have explained this earlier. It is the books jamb recommend to its candidate to prepare and pass jamb with ease.

What You Should Do During the Exam to Pass Jamb Successfully

This is the most important things you should know if you really want to pass jamb. You must adhere strictly to the points listed and discussed below.

  • Concentrate

When you are in the exam hall already, you really need to focus your mind on the exam. You shouldn’t allow anyone or anything to distract you. You’re doing the exam already and your faith is in your hand.

  • Be Conscious of Time

One of the things you need to do is to manage your time wisely. You should be conscious of how the time reads and makes no mistake.

  • Don’t use too much time on a question

You are expected to leave questions that seem tough. If you can’t solve it, then guess. If you think you know it but seem too tricky, leave it and come back to it later.

One of the mistakes that can hurt you is wasting too much time on a question.

  • Review Your Answers

You are required to safe time to review your answers. This is something you must do to avoid mistakes and do the ones you were unable to do earlier.


To sum up, jamb is just to test if you should be offered admission into higher institution. It is an exam you must pass before you can be given admission.

Jamb may be easy, but scoring a good grade can be tough at times. However, if you adhere to this post, I strongly believe you will score good grade. I hope you’ve know some key thing on how to pass jamb exam 2020.

Bloginsense wish you all success in your exam.

If you need to ask a question or any other things to contribute, then leave a comment in the comment section below.

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