Internet marketing has been the major source to make your marketing campaign more effective. Since video advertising has an edge when it comes to online advert, YouTube advertising cost is what all marketers want to know since it looks promising to take their businesses to the next level.

But, how much does it cost to advertise on youtube? You’ll discover how much it cost to place adverts on Youtube in this post.

What is YouTube video ads?

Advertising is a marketing strategies for promoting product or services.

YouTube advertising is a program that allows marketers to place all kind of advertisements on uploaded videos on an agreed deal.

It’s for anyone who wants to promote or sell products and/or services to a target audience.

Just like most advertising programs, YouTube advertising make your products and services visible to public.

Why Advertise on YouTube

There’s no doubt that YouTube is the largest video sharing site. It a platform that allows registered users to view, upload and share their own videos online. And, with more than 5 billion views daily, there is no doubt it’s the largest video sharing site.

YouTube search engine is also one of the largest search engines. In fact, it is only second to google when it comes to search use.

These facts makes YouTube the first choice for advertisers. Since it will make their product to reach more audience.

How Does YouTube Advertising Works?

YouTube advertising cost works with different video advertising options and any format you choose affect your YouTube ads cost.

Here’s the different ad formats and how each of it works below.

Display Ads

Ads that displays at the top of the video and above the video suggestion list. In some cases, display ads may appear below the player. This type of ads displays only on desktop.

Overlay Ads

this are transparent ads that appears at the bottom of your video. Overlay ads can be either image or text ads and can appear only on desktop.

Skippable Video Ads

As the name suggests, this type of ads allows viewers to skip ads after some seconds (usually within 5 seconds). It can appear before, during or after the main video. This type of ads is the most common and ads can appear both on a desktop and mobile devices.

Non Skippable Ads

This are ads that viewers cannot skip. that is, you must watch the ads before the main video. This type of ads is about 15 – 20 minutes in length and are less common. It can appear on both desktop and mobile devices.

Bumper Ads

This type of ads are about 6 seconds in length. They are video ads that you can’t skip. That is, you must watch the ads before you can view the main video. Bumper ads can appear on both mobile devices and a desktop.

Sponsored Cards

These shows content that are relevant to your videos. For instance, product featured in the main video. Sponsored ads varies in size and can appear on both desktop and mobile devices. Ads displays for a few seconds, usually at the top right corner.

How Much Does YouTube Advertising Cost?

The question “How much does it cost to advertise on youtube” might seem tricky to answer but it’s not impossibl. You’ll discover everything you should know about how much youtube advertising cost below.

YouTube advertising cost may not be easily determined because it depends on different factors.

YouTube ads cost varies depending on the quality of your video, target audiences and you campaign budgets. Some of which are discussed below.

Video Quality

The quality of your video has impact on the cost of your YouTube ads. In order to ensure the minimum budget, your video content must be quality which in turn will lower your YouTube advertising cost.

Your Targeting

YouTube advertising cost varies depending on your target audience. You have access to all the targeting options. And, you can target by age, viewer’s location, gender etc. all of which has impart on your overall YouTube advertising cost.

Campaign budget

you have full control on the amount of ads you wish to spend daily. So, the cost of your YouTube ads is best known to you.

It is necessary to ensure you set the amount you wish to spend so as not to spend more than you want on your campaign budget.

You should set your budget based on your goal (the amount of people you want your ads to reach) and the amount you wish to spend per day. So,

How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on YouTube?

YouTube advertising cost can start anywhere from $0.1 – $0.3. Though it depends on some factors which are discussed above.

YouTube ads cost is based on cost per view. So, each time someone view your ads, you will be charged.

For instance, if your ad campaign had a $0.2 video view, that means you’ll pay $200 if 1000 people view your ad.

In some cases, YouTube will only charge you if a viewer watches your ad for at least 30 minutes or interact with the ad somehow.

YouTube Advertising Cost (What You Should Know)

You need to know some things about the cost of YouTube ads cost which are

YouTube Advertising Rates

The average cost per view ($0.1 – $0.3) is not a stable amount YouTube ads cost. It’s an average rates advertisers experience when they run YouTube ads. However, you should know that bigger ads space and high exposure to ads attracts more payment.

You’ll have to pay more on a high competitive niche than the less competitive ones.

The people you are targeting

As discussed earlier, you have access to all the targeting options including age, gender etc., Interest (the topic your audience is interested in), Keywords (YouTube ads based on the keywords your audience searches), you can also target your audience on a specific topic.

You should know that targeting more specific audience will cost more than a slightly targeted audience.

In short, the narrower your target is, the more money you will be charged. Though, more specific targeting may cost more but trust me, the money you’ll invest in it will be worth it.

If your target audience is tight, your conversion rate will surely increase hereby, making you marketing campaign much more effective.

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